Blast Protection and Physical Security - GlassLock
BlastBlind Secondary Catch-Cable Systems...
GlassLock BlastBlind offers a wide variety of retrofit solutions
for buildings of architectural and of historical significance. Finite
Element models of BlastBlind Systems are available to match the
geometry and construction of typical windows within a facility.
GlassLock's BlastBlind have shown to provide significant protection
while preserving the physical nature and appearance of historical

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Analysis & Design...
BlastBlind are analyzed using LS-DYNA, a non-linear Finite Element Analysis
(FEA) program developed by the Livermore Software Technology Corporation.
BlastBlinds can be fabricated to look like any standard window blind
product or vintage venation type of window treatment for buildings that have
a historical significance.

ISC / UFC Design Criteria:
BlastBlind act as a catcher system rather than attempting
to retain the glass in the frame. As a result, the intent of the Criteria's
can be met by ensuring the BlastBlind can adequately catch the glass from
the design load and transfer the resulting reactions into the structure
without failure of key components of the system structure