Uncompromised Security & Enhanced Window Protection...
Recognized as one of the industry leader in the use and installation of
Security Window Film as well as security glazing product retrofits for
controlling glass failure caused by bomb blast, windstorm, earthquakes,
spontaneous glass failure and forced entry. With years of developing ,
testing and installing security glazing products to meet
Government Specifications GlassLock can meet all your
protective glazing requirements.

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Standing UP To The Test...
1996 GlassLock conducted blast tests in accordance with the first draft of
the GSA/ISC Glazing Hazard Criteria. Before
these initial tests there was only anecdotal information regarding the use
of Security Film for glass hazard reduction from bomb blast...

Quality, Integrity & Expertise
The Engineered and tested products are just part of the GlassLock Customer
Service. Offering total Turnkey-solutions GlassLock addresses the uniqueness
of each client's site requirements.